Omega Lambda Lambda Chapter History

Due to social and political necessity, on Friday evening, November 17, 1911, three Howard University undergraduate students, with the assistance of their faculty adviser, gave birth to the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.  This event occurred in the office of biology Professor Ernest E. Just, the faculty adviser, in the Science Hall (now known as Thirkield Hall).  The three liberal arts students were Edgar A. Love, Oscar J. Cooper and Frank Coleman.  From the initials of the Greek phrase meaning, “Friendship is essential to the soul,” the name Omega Psi Phi was derived.  The phrase was selected as the motto.  Manhood, scholarship, perseverance and uplift were adopted as the cardinal principles.  A decision was made regarding the design for the pin and emblem, and thus ended the first meeting of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.  

Under the guidance of 5th District DR, Richard Jones, a meeting held on Saturday, November 13, 2004 at 11:15a.m. Brother Charles F. Wilson,Jr. presided over this meeting held on the campus of Tennessee State University in Kean Hall.  The purpose of this meeting was to gauge the interest of creating a graduate chapter of Omega Psi Phi in the Nashville area, which would ultimately be located in Hendersonville, TN. This new chapter would not be created to compete with existing chapters, but be created with the goal of realigning with the high principles and true purpose of Omega.  Brothers in attendance at this first meeting were: Donnell K. Carson, Rubin Cockrell, Ivan T. Gunn, Alphonso W. Harvey and Bryan K. White.

After considerable discussion plans were set in motion to obtain signatures of those men interested in the formation of this new chapter.  The brothers believed that valuable energy had been lost from existing chapters and were eager to serve Omega in positive and constructive ways. The overwhelming lack of enthusiasm from brothers and the Nashville community toward Omega was thought to more than justify the current course of action.  A second meeting was scheduled for November 21, 2004 at 2:00PM to gather names and to pool funds to prepare for the task ahead.  Bryan K. White was given the duty, by those in attendance, to secure a United States Postal Service Mailbox in the Madison, TN area.  Closing prayer was given by Brother Ivan Gunn, and thus ended the first meeting of the yet to be named Omega Lambda Lambda Chapter.

Word quickly spread throughout the city and surrounding areas and many brothers, many of whom had not been financially active for one to greater than ten years were eager to make this “new” chapter a reality. At the second meeting the brothers gathered to collect the funds necessary for remittance with the chapter application.  The brothers in a combined effort with Delta chapter started to brainstorm on different community service activities.  With the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays quickly approaching, the brothers agreed that this would be a great time to do the work in the name of Omega.  The brothers designated December 11, 2004 as the day to begin their community service.  Brother Charles F. Wilson organized the brothers for a Toy donation to a local fire station, as well as clothing donations to a local church.  The brothers even made a PSA for WNSG 1240AM radio, wishing the residents of Nashville and Davidson County a Happy Holiday Season. Additionally, the brothers also adopted 2 families from the McKissack Family Resource Center, and on December 20, 2004 the brothers delivered gifts to those families. During the month of January 2005, the brothers met weekly trying to keep themselves focused while waiting to hear back from Nationals regarding their request for a Chapter Charter.  

On January 20, 2005, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. International Headquarters informed Brother White that the request for chapter chartering had been accepted which included twenty-five greatly enthused charter members.  We were now known by the designation, Omega Lambda Lambda Chapter #00927.  

On January 23, 2005, Brother Josiah J. Sampson, III was elected as the chapter’s first Basileus,
Brother Alphonso W. Harvey, Vice-Basileus;
Brother Bryan. K. White, Keeper of Records and Seal;
Brother Sergio F. Swain, Assistant Keeper of Records and Seal;
Brother Donnell K. Carson, Keeper of Finance;
Brother J. Mark Freeman, Chaplain;
Brother Dominick T. Koger, Editor to the Oracle;
and Brother John D. Tate, Jr., Keeper of Peace.  

Thus were the chapter’s origins and the revitalization of a rich and valued tradition for the fraternity.

QLL Chapter Leadership

Meet the Current Leadership of Omega Lambda Lambda Chapter for the ensuing year

QLL Events

See what Omega Lambda Lambda Chapter is doing out in the community

QLL Chapter Lineage

See the brothers who have been initiated in Omega Lambda Lambda chapter since its inception

Omega psi Phi founders

learn where it all started. Meet the founders of our great brotherhood & Fraternity

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